On day four of our holiday we
travelled down to Bexhill. There is one
arcade in Bexhill, mostly comprising of pushers and fruit machines. The arcade is quite peculiar, with a large
graveyard of classic machines stacked at one end of the arcade and just two
videogames switched on.
Daytona USA twin and
Operation Thunderbolt were the two workers.
Both were in great condition.
There was also Time Crisis on
the arcade floor, but it was turned off.
I haven’t seen a working Time Crisis for a long time. The cab looked in very good condition.

The OutRun looked in nice
condition and the side art looked almost perfect, but there was some serious
cigarette burn on the bezel around the map.
Initially I thought this was originally
a Street Fighter cab, but going by the shape it seems to be more like a
converted X-Men cab.

An Atari System 1 cab
converted to Mortal Kombat, complete with instructions!
Two pinball tables at the
back behind the arcade machines.
In the building next door
there are some even older machines. The
room is dilapidated, the machines seemingly sat untouched for years. It looks like something out of a horror film
and the term arcade graveyard is even more apt.
The below pics were taken through the window.

There is an Asteroids up
against the window as well as Gorf.
There also appears to be an arcade machine to the left of Gorf and
another at the end of the row of fruit machines, but it’s difficult to see what
they are.
Gorf is another classic which
has been mutilated with two joysticks on the control panel and a ‘New Video’
I spoke to the employee in
the arcade about the machines and he said they’ve been there for many years and
that the owner may be selling some in the future. So if you see anything which takes your fancy
it might be worth getting in touch and making an offer!