The Four Quarters is a new arcade
bar located in Peckham, South-East London .
I was really impressed by the
awesome selection and variety of games. I
played and enjoyed all the titles, but these were my highlights:
Final Fight and Hyper Street Fighter II: The
Anniversary Edition
Two of my all time
So good to see and play this
Irem classic again in a UK
arcade, with the Bydo Empire proving to be just as unforgiving as ever.
Smash TV
Big money, big prizes, I love
it! I remember playing this down the
seafront and then spending hours playing the Super Nintendo conversion. It’s been years since I last played it. Unfortunately my game hasn’t improved and I’m
ashamed to say I had to credit feed to get to Mutoid Man.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
I remember when this was
released and spending all of my pocket money on it, it has a lot to answer
for! Still just as much fun today, the
game was played pretty much non stop the whole time I was there.
I’ve actually wanted to play
this for a long time. I don’t recall
ever playing or even seeing one before. The
first thing that strikes you is the aesthetics - the artwork and sharp luminous
lines, the backdrop and backlight between the screen and controls, the joystick
and spinner, it’s stunning.
The game comprises of four
IO Tower Game – destroy Grid
Bugs to clear a path to the flashing circle, which must be entered before the
timer expires.
MCP Game – shoot your way
through a multicoloured wall and enter the master control program cone without
touching a block.
Tank Game – navigate a maze
and destroy the enemy tanks before they destroy you. Cycle Game – guide a light cycle in an arena, avoiding walls and the light traces left behind by the cycles and trap and destroy your rivals.
The four subgames have to be cleared in order to move on to the next level. The games were fun, however I seemed to struggle with the cycle game, only managing to complete the first level once.
It was great seeing people
play and enjoying these classic games.
Turtles, Street Fighter II and Point Blank proved among the most
popular, with these machines played pretty much non stop.
Pac-Man wasn’t far behind
though and proved particularly popular with the ladies!
Halloween – the perfect time
for killing Zombies.

Even the toilets paid homage
to gaming, with pages from nineties videogame magazines decorating the walls.
A few of the magazine covers
looked very familiar. I’m sure I picked
a couple of these up back in the day!
There was a multi-console set
up in the upstairs chill-out lounge. Of
course all of the games were horror themed, and included The House of the Dead
2 (Dreamcast), Ghouls ‘n Ghosts (Mega Drive), Zombies Ate My Neighbours (Super
Nintendo), Resident Evil 2 (PlayStation) and Maniac Mansion (NES). Horror movies were screened down stairs in
the ex-butcher’s basement.
The arcade games were set at one
quarter per credit, with quarters available from the bar or change machine
priced at four for a pound. With a
fantastic selection of arcade games, a great vibe and friendly staff, and an
excellent range of cask beers, I had an awesome time at The Four Quarters.
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