Arcade Club
Moon Patrol – Irem - 1982

This is one I’d never played
before. The controls are great and I
love the physics of the buggy. The game
feels entirely fair and has that ‘one more go’ quality. Awesome cabinet art as well.
Mechanized Attack – SNK – 1989
It’s been years since I’ve
played this. I enjoyed a run through,
and saw the ‘You are dead!’ message quite a bit! The visuals are great, with awesome
Terminator inspired enemies.
Total Carnage – Midway - 1992
It was great to have a few credits on this Smash TV sequel. I only ever saw this in one arcade back in the day, The Majestic, Great Yarmouth.
Vendetta – Konami – 1991
A fun scrolling beat-em-up with lots of nice touches. I particularly liked the bucket. Not a conventional weapon, but kick the bucket and it will land on an enemy’s head, causing him to roam about like a headless chicken!
These four-player dedicated
cabinets were everywhere in the nineties, but it’s the first time I’ve seen a
dedicated Vendetta.
Monkey Mole Panic – Taito – 1992
Basically a videogame version of Whack-a-Mole. It’s the first time I’ve seen this Electrocoin cabinet. Great fun, especially in multiplayer.

Mercs – Capcom – 1990

I don’t recall seeing this
game in the arcades, but remember renting the Megadrive version from the local
video shop. Awesome game, I love the
control panel art.

Another arcade first for
me. I enjoyed playing this isometric
shooter, but the more I played, the worse I seemed to get. The joystick did feel a little clunky. Yes that’s right, I’m blaming the joystick
for my poor performance!

BurgerTime – Data East – 1982
Great fun and addictive, but never have fried eggs and hot dogs been so infuriating! I love the control panel and side art.

Tapper – Bally Midway – 1983
Serve beer and collect empty
glasses and tips, much more fun than it sounds!
Another title I’ve only played at Arcade Club.

I love how the cabinet is
designed to look and feel like a bar, with possibly the best control panel

Osman – Mitchell Corp - 1996
It was great to see this rare
and beautiful spiritual sequel to Strider.
The artwork really is stunning, but the game is punishingly difficult if
you stick to the one credit rule. I
actually have this game, and really need to get this in a cab and spend some
time with it.

The awesome line up of
Electrocoin cabinets takes me right back to how I remember arcades back in the

Some more pics of Arcade Club.