The plan was to make a custom
panel and play the game in a Naomi cabinet.
I picked up a NOS Sanwa analogue JLK-GF2-AT flight stick (same type as
used on Planet Harriers cabinet) and a NOS Sega
analogue control panel [NAO-2019]. I’d
also use my Planet Harriers cabinet control panel loom and buttons, and the
analogue stick amplifier PCB.
Fast forward to
2013 and this still remained an unfinished project. I contacted Craig / Giz10p and he kindly agreed
to make the panel.
No part of the original
Planet Harriers control panel loom has been hacked, not a single cable cut,
just re-pinned and the connectors changed so that it will plug into a

The loom uses
player 1 digital, player 1 analogue, extra button 15 way connector, and the 4
pin connector that’s normally sat doing nothing in the bottom of the control
panel lower (connector with 1 red and 1 red/white wire into a 4 pin
In addition to
these a 3 pin loom was made for the extra lamp switching used on the
buttons. This has a 3 pin connector on
one end and the correct pins on the other end to clip directly into the digital
I/O loom.
A massive thanks
to Craig / Giz10p for his superb work on the panel!